Come Fully to Life
Get the tools and quality of support you need to level up in life.
              Mentoring for Purpose Authority Leadership Fulfilment Relating Resilience Connection Mens Issues Gender Presence Confidence Communication Parenting Couples Anger Assertiveness Shame The 1 in You
I can help you
Get Your Relationships in Order
Whether with subordinates or seniors, the spouse or the kids, friends or strangers You'll upgrade and enrich whichever you want to work on, massively, with me.
Elevate Leadership & Personal Authority
Taking Charge will mean something entirely new once you've worked with me. Give your personal authority a lasting new Edge, and efficacy, with me.
Undo the Knots of the Past
No matter what blocks, traumas, addictions, limitations or fears are holding you back, You'll get the tools, insights and support to overcome them with me.
Coaching to Lead and Inspire
If you need to Take Charge, Inspire, Evoke, Provoke, Engage, Connect..and it just isn't happening, or feels fake, too hard or you just don't know what's missing. I can help. If you're frustrated, overwhelmed, boiling beneath the surface, flat, struggling or disconnected you're in the right place.
1-2-1 Mentoring
I don't do 'small things' with people. I work with people who know they're here to get meaningful, purposeful deeds done and want help clearing the past, changing the now, or reaching that future. If this is you, if you ever secretly thought you are 'The One,' y'know, the special hero/ine of this story of your life, then what you seek to work on will find solution with me, 1-2-1.
Public Speaking
Give your group, guests or event a truly edifying experience with one of my unique keynote talks. From personal or team motivation and inspiration, to cultivating resilience in trying times. Finding compassion for self and others to getting back on track to self- mastery, These are more than just 'talks,' they are transformative and empowering processes with lasting effects.
Men and Masculinity
I specialise in men's issues in our modern times. If you are stifled, angry, frustrated (sexually or otherwise), overwhelmed, or struggling with addictions, self worth issues or shame around your sexuality, behaviour or masculinity, I can help. The toltec tools for gender are second to none for men. Learn how to apply them to your challenges with me and prepare for some potent change in your life
Retreats & Rites of Passage
I run a Rite of Passage for men called 'Rite at the Edge.' I also teach on others retreats and events. Apply to come to the next Rite at the Edge, or find out where I am teaching next, and who with.