Mens Events

men with fire torches

Men's Rite's Weekend

You are invited to journey to The Edge with us on a mens Rite of Passage weekend: the edge of the known and unknown, where the conditions for new levels of manhood, masculinity, capacity, connection and insight are ripe, as our ancestors knew.  

Join us delving into Male Mystery to the greatest heights and depths available today.  

But we can’t and won’t tell you what we will do. Because male power, initiation and transformation does not happen by having a list of ‘what’s happening’ beforehand.  It simply does not and has never worked that way.

if I described swimming for you in words, or sex, would any of the words be ANYTHING like the experiences?  Is a map anything like the journey through the landscape? 


Telling you what we do is not going to help either of us. 

Speaking to a group
"I’ve done many men’s events, and a great variety. Some with a similar ‘rites of passage’ theme as yours. This was the best I’ve done – and that includes the Mankind Project Programme'

It truly doesn't matter 'what' we do :

the thing that matters is 'what & who emerges' from what we do

See what these men had to say about their experience:

Men become ‘men’ not through ‘just being in a body for x years’, but by facing the Unknown : mystery itself… within them, and around them.

Through the fearful seeming-dark and veils of not-knowing: holes and voids can begin to be filled; strengths, skills and powers found; knowledge and insight uncovered; and old, old wounds can start to seal their tears.

Our activities tap deep into the ancestral and gender powers within and around you, and allow you to access the reserves of the ancient male within you: from the human, to those of the stupendous mammal within that will boost you at your deepest and quietest levels, giving you new ground to face the world.

We’re not here to please and pander, but to empower, empathise, equip and enable you to face the challenges of manhood, of your life, your relationships, our people and our times in whole new ways. 


Book your place for the next Rites Of Passage event in Suffolk:

Friday 1st to Sunday 3rd September 2023

£50 is required to book your place and it covers your food for the weekend. This is so no man is denied access to the birthright of Rite of Passage because of an event paywall.

It is also because no man can know the value of genuine Rites until he has experienced them, and he should determine the worth. At the end of the event you will be asked what you thought the experience and facilitation is worth, by your own measure and means, which you can pay in any reasonable time.

What is the Rite of Passage all about?

Many modern men and women scoff at the notion of Rites as a component of becoming a man... 'Just turn 18 mate, job done.."

These natural, native rites and practices are not done in this way anywhere else in our lands,  and they bring new levels of knowing confidence, connectedness, groundedness and trusting in your own resilience and capacity to navigate your life, masculinity and relationships, and the increasingly complex world that surrounds us.

There is also the valuable opportunity to discover quality connections of meaningful depth with other men who seek to enhance themselves.

If you are looking for something genuinely fresh in the field of understanding what it is to be a man, in the arena of relationships, and in the terrain of male connection…you’ve landed in the right place.

For me, this is what I find the most beautiful and rewarding, and certainly seems to be why some brothers keep coming back, the magic of  Gender Mystery continues to bring them gifts… 

men gathering

Some more men sharing experiences:

Book your place for the next 

Rites Of Passage event in Suffolk:

Friday 1st to Sunday 3rd September 2023

More testimonials from previous forays beyond the edge:

Other Events for Men

Currently, there are 4 events that my team and I run for men. Everyone has to do the initial rites weekend before the later adventures are open to you.   Men often return and do an event again, to expand their capacity and be in the company of other men as they hone skills and test themselves as they seek to ‘stay longer, go deeper, go further’: in the world, in themselves, and with each other.

Luds Church – 30th Oct – 3rd Nov
This primordial chasm and the lands around it are where our 2nd tier event is held.  A midweek event, on the very same days Sir Gawain set out to meet the Green Knight, we shall journey deeper and further into the ‘seemingly invisible, seemingly absent’ gifts of masculinity. 

Come for skill development, connection and profound ancestral and nature alignment at this most ancient natural gift of the very earth itself.  

‘The earth’ is not the soil – the soil; every drop; is something that once lived…or space dust/debris.  Everything else is entirely an ancestral field: the residue of what has been.

The Earth is the rock that underlies all life, and the soil residue of its living.   This chasm, the place of the Green Knight, is a place where the ancestral field has torn through by the earth itself, and it is here a place where journeys like no other can be undertaken, and experiences that defy description.  


Caveman 8-10th September
The Isle of Mull, an ancient and mystical isle off the coast of Scotland is the venue for another foray to the Edge.

This is a journey deep into the mysteries of embodied maleness.  We will sleep in caves around the isle while diving into the Unknown and discover why ancients from around Europe and even north Africa would come to this region of the world for Rites and the fruits such can bear..

As we traverse masculinity, we cannot help but come across the tracks of our ancestors, those who came before us in every era, from the recent, to the ancient ones, many of whom we share with peoples of other lands. 

This foray to the Edge is to the Edge of the prehistoric world, to unlock deeper levels still, clear ancient blocks and sharpen our embodied skills on one of the wildest coasts in our lands.


Executive Rites of Passage

This event is for leaders, executives and men with authority who would benefit from sharing their process with men who face similar issues.

Event and Booking information coming soon.

Iceland Interior Edge
August ’24  Rugged and wild, the mind blowing icelandic interior is only open 8 weeks a year. We’ll be taking 4×4’s and taking a fiery journey into a fusion of earth energies and masculine energies, combined with a further deepening of embodied skills. 

This place, which is curiously both the most geothermically active place on earth as well as the seat of the first Parliament, is a place where new levels of maleness can be understood and explored. 

Fire, water, earth and air fuse here like nowhere else making this a true Edge event where your capacity, competence and awareness have the opportunity to level up in whole new ways.

Event and Booking information coming soon.

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