Become Yourself
I have two types of client. Those who know their life or relationship goals and want them accelerated.
And those who don’t, and want clarity and direction.
About You
My clients come from all walks of life, but all are successful in their own right. From broken homes to silver spoons, and from the new-age to ancient-wisdom. Brisbane, Australia to Tulsa, Oklahoma. The boardroom to the back yard. I’ve worked with entrepreneurs and bankers, mediums and engineers, martial artists and political activists. They have a few things in common: a deep hunger for change in their lives, coupled with the intelligence, and honesty, to do the work necessary to invoke massive upgrades in their lives. If anything in your life is standing in the way of you living fully the life you feel you are meant to: a truly unique & meaningful life ; One of Purpose, Impact, Value and Richness of Connection, then I invite you to apply to work with me

Maybe you’re not happy with your relationships with your partner, boss, employees, colleagues, children, or friends.
Maybe the problem is that you don’t have these relationships at all, and you want them.
Maybe all that’s fine and you want to push to find a deeper purpose, impact or meaning in your life.
Perhaps you feel you can’t be honest and show who you truly are. Perhaps you don’t have anyone to be honest with.
If you feel angry, sad, lonely, despondent or worthless, I can help. If you lack confidence, belief, trust or conviction, I can help.
I can work with anger and frustration, sexuality and sensuality, addictions and body-image issues.
I can also assist with cultivating resilience and direction in the face of a world filled with insecurity and instability.
Even if you have deeper spiritual or esoteric needs that are causing you problem, or religious wounds you can’t seem to clear, I can help with those too.
Heal the past. Cultivate your natural power. Let your potential bloom.
If Not Now, Then When?
How long can you tolerate the status quo?
Deep down you know that passivity, while being a choice, is not one that usually leads to an optimal outcome
Destined for Better
Do you know there is more to life than this. That it can be better than this?
Do you hunger to do ever more meaningful things, with rewarding connections?
The Wisdom to Stretch
If you know that the fulfilment you seek is only to be found in a place you’ve not yet ventured...
...and you are humble enough to acknowledge you don't know, and driven enough for change to ask for support and guidance...
If this sounds like you, then you are primed to succeed, with my help.
I will walk with you until you have taken significant, effective action in the areas we set out to work on.
whether that’s until you feel powerful, grounded, calm and connected.
or until you have a clear sense of direction, value and purpose.
Or until you’ve shed that load.
No matter the area, it will be until you know what you’re doing, equipped with the tools and techniques to restore yourself whenever you find yourself wavering.
The work I prescribe is rarely easy at first, but it is always impactful, in ways that are not possible to conceive of at the outset.
It’s not for everyone, but for the right people, it’s unparalleled.
Think you might be one of those people?
Apply to continue the conversation with me.
Get in Touch
I'm interested to hear from people serious about bringing change to their life, and who fit the above criteria. If this is you, apply to have a FREE consultation with me and we'll see if we would be a good match to work together.

For me, this was quite possibly the best £xx I EVER spent
enjoyable, life-changing and massively empowering. I came on the recommendation of a friend and didn't know what to expect.
Within the first 10 minutes alone, Darren exceeded ALL my expectations. I found his insights into self-sovereignty powerful, transformative and liberating.
Darren is an extremely skilled communicator. An engaging storyteller. And a masterful teacher.
His ability to use analogies to give fresh perspectives on life, the universe and everything is extremely potent. For me, this was quite possibly the best £xx I EVER spent. My mind was, and remains, blown. It was only until I heard Darren speak that I realised how much more there is in life for me to look forward to, enjoy, celebrate and be grateful for.
His insights have already provided benefits in business, my social life and beyond. I would recommend Darren's work without reservation to anyone who wants to take charge of their lives and live positively and joyfully.

A whole new path of being and knowing
Darren's sessions are like crossroads, I think, bringing you the opportunity to explore a whole new path of being and knowing, and I strongly encourage all who can to take advantage of this magical possibility.
If now is not the right time for 121 work for you, no matter the reason, you may want to sign up to my mailing list.
I send out points of thought and insight on everyday situations and world events, on issues of self mastery and gender challenge.
Of course, I will also try to encourage you to engage with products or services, but it is always with the spirit of fair trade and mutual benefit. Complete the short form below to join my mailing list.

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