Walking Between Worlds – a perception workshop – Darren Deojee’s Native Intelligence Walking Between Worlds – a perception workshop – Darren Deojee’s Native Intelligence

Walking Between Worlds – a perception workshop

For Booking enquiries or questions, please contact my events liaison Steven on 07935485378 or email steven ‘at’ darrendeojee.com or use the contact form. 

I’ve been invited back to the Shine Seminars for another session with the lovely Shine group. This time it’s in Bristol and is a whole day event, though I’ll only have one  slot, you will get a feast of other speakers and content.

This time, I’ll be running a workshop on perception, which will make another mode of perception in you conscious instead of subconscious, and with it, you will be able to defuse any inner charge or anxiety/fear in any situation – whether from people, news, ideas or cravings.  It’s a tried and tested technique in native cultures around the world, because it is native and natural to us, but we just never get taught about it in the west.

The way I teach it is unique and directly applicable and understandable by any.   The result of this is MUCH greater presence, power and an increased ability to respond and handle challenging circumstances and situations.  It is THE most powerful technique I know that can be taught in a very short period of time, bar none.   I have used it since my teens, and have worked with hundreds of people over the years with it to refine the insights and gains that can be made…again, in a VERY short period of time.

The reality is, complex skills and complex methods are limited in when and where they can be applied or used, simple, accessible skills and methods can be used anywhere, at any time, in any context.  This ‘learning to SEE again’ technique is one such as this, and it truly can help you walk from the world you currently inhabit, to the one you hope to.



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